Your Client Area Email Address
# of Servers
# of Domains
# of Mailboxes
Current Anti-Spam Provider (if any):
What are you currently paying for your email security? (if any)
Pain Points you want to solve:
What is your mail backend? cPanelGoogleM365SendmailPostfixEximKerioZimbraFTGateOther
PCCC will set up a full production installation of Raptor Email Security so you can try it out with no cost and no commitment for 30 days. Our team will reach out to you 2 or 3 times to check-in, answer any questions, and discuss your needs.
Domain to try out Raptor:
Server name to deliver email to:
Is this the only domain on the server? YesNo
Are you using DKIM? YesNoNot Sure
Are you using SPF? YesNoNot Sure
Are you using DMARC? YesNoNot Sure
Please confirm you have allowed TCP port 25 on IP address in your firewall rules so we can access your mail server. This has been completed
Please confirm you have sent a test email from the demo/test domain to to verify your mail hygiene. This has been completed
What are the measurements of success for this trial?
Outbound services with PCCC's Raptor Email Security require prior qualification and PCCC reserves the right to refuse and/or disable outbound services at our sole discretion.
Do you want to use Raptor outbound email? YesNoNot Sure
What is the technical goal of using Raptor Email Security outbound services?
PCCC uses the definition that spam is about consent, not content. Do you have consent to email everyone you are emailing? YesNo
Have you had any problems with your IP address, domain, or emails being flagged as spam or blacklisted? If yes, please include a brief overview of the issues.
Do you send emails to large groups of people using mailing lists or mass mailings? If yes, what is the source of the email addresses being mailed? (ex: purchased mailing list, people who opt-in/opt-out from your website, etc.)
Do people have the option to opt-in / opt-out prior to being added to the mailing list? YesNoN/A
Email Address(es) for ALL Raptor Notices:
Email Address(es) for EMERGENCY Raptor Notices: Provide email address(es) not associated with this Raptor service so you receive any potential outage notices.
Phone Number for EMERGENCY Raptor Notices vis Text Messages:
Cell Phone Carrier for Text Messages:
If supported by Raptor and your email back-end, do you want continuity enabled? YesNoNot Sure
PCCC will mark emails scoring 5.5 or above as spam. Do you want to stop delivery of emails at a specific level? If yes, please provide number below. A score greater than 15.0 is almost ALWAYS spam and rarely needs to be reviewed.
Do you correspond outside of the US? YesNoNot Sure
Do you have any mirrored/parked domains? (example: any email sent to an email address should be delivered to
Which language would you like Raptor Spam reports to be delivered in? EnglishFrenchItalianGerman
Additional Comments (optional)
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